Sunday, November 21, 2010

Miss Utah Fall Workshop

I was invited to attend the Fall Workshop to introduce myself and my platform. I was able to meet some of the contestants and had a nice time getting to know some of the local directors as well. One of the exciting parts of the day was participating in the "What Not to Wear" fashion show. The Miss Utah Board of Directors wanted to have a fun and informative way to show contestants what outfits are "good & bad" to wear as you compete for the title of Miss Utah. There were 10 models, all showcasing different outfits, gowns and swimwear. I was able to the BAD example for appearence wardrobe...
and then a "GOOD" example for appearence wardrobe...
I also modeled gowns and swimsuit and had a such a great time with the other models. I am happy to be apart of an organization that helps each and every person reach their potential. As contestants prepare for Miss Utah, it must be a relief to know that people are looking out for you and helping you along the way. Wardrobe is obviously a fun, yet important part in getting ready for the state competition and I was happy to help demonstrate some fun ideas to help them!
Here I am with the models- all former titleholders and MUOT 2009, Meredith Gaufin and Miss Utah 2009, Whitney Merrifield. Christina and I both had to laugh "Just another day at work for us!" And all but 2 of these ladies are in BAD examples...can you pick out which ones!?

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